Monday, January 14, 2013

2013 Cutest Pet Contest

It is that time of year again!! Time for you all to enter contests to win stuff!!! Here is the deal, last year we did a very impromptu cutest pet contest because fo the popularity involved with the cutest kid contests that year and the previous year. The response was amazing! I have some amazing clients and fans and you all never let me down! So, because of the popularity with the contest last year, we are doing it again!! 

In this blog you will find enters for this year, so far in the contest we only have pups! Any pet can enter, any!! There is a $25 entry fee and what does this cover you ask? It covers a mini shoot with your pet! It is a 20-30 minute session that will generate about 5 -7 images, all of which you will get! And you also get an 8x10 of the entry photo! 

The judging period is a week long and the photo that receives the most votes will win a free full length sessions $200 value, for their whole family, including them! We love animals at Unobstructed Studios and you are always encouraged to bring them along on your shoots as they are part of your family!! 

If you are interested in entering your pet, all you have to do is contact us at and we will be glad to set up your entry session. 

Keep in mind that running at the same time we have our 3rd annual cutest kid contest! Yes, that's right, third annual  The entry fee is the same amount and the contest is run the exact same way and any child ten and under is available to enter the contest! 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Cutest Kid Contest & policy changes

I am sure you all like how i lured you in with the teaser for the cutest kid contest and slipped in the new policy changes and rate updates! Tehehe, I am sneaky. 
Last year I was particularly lenient on late fees and rate discounts, and I am sorry to say that is no longer going to be the case at all. I am sure that everyone will be ever so understanding as this is a business and a non for profit organization. Lets refresh, your deposit is due THE DAY YOU BOOK YOUR SESSION. If your deposit is not paid you will get a late fee. I cannot bend on this, I am sorry. Second payments are sent out with a specific due date, if it is not paid the day it is due, you will get a late fee. Please keep in mind that unless you are booking a wedding or event your invoice acts as your contract. 
Proofing galleries will go up after 7 to 10 business days and they will come down 15 days after they are posted. 
Full sessions are riced at $200, plus tax, half deposit. 
Full sessions come with a $25 print credit. Shooting time is 2 hours, and generate 40-50 images delivered on USB Drive or DVD

Half sessions are $100, plus tax with a half deposit. Half sessions will generate about 25 images and they are delivered viz digital file submission. 

If you or anyone is entering into the cutest kid contest, it is for children 10 and under. Here you will find the rules and regulations:
1.      To enter the contest your child must be ten and under at the time of the contest judging in March. Each child entered will receive their own mini shoot at the location of the parent’s choice. If you have more than one child entering you do have the option to split up the shoots to different days per children. Every child enters will receive an 8x10 of their contest photo and their images from the mini shoot. The shoot normally lasts around 20 minutes and at most will generate 8 images on a DVD and gallery for you to choice your contest photo and print.
2.      The winning child will receive a free full session face value at $200.00, per 2013 rate increase prices. This session is valid for ONE YEAR. It will expire March 2014 if it is not used by then.
3.      Once your entry fee is paid please work out a date that is best for you and your child to hold their session and rely it to your photographer.
4.      The winner is chosen by fans of the Unobstructed Studios Fan page based on the number of likes on the contest photo in the week long time frame allocated for voting. If you or your family members partake in any activity such as creating false profiles to generate more votes you will be taken out of the contest. This is an everyone wins contest by everyone getting a DVD and print of their child, there is no need to cheat.