Monday, March 14, 2011

One....Two....Three cutie pies...

I made new friends!!! YAY!! I had the pleasure of meeting a nice lady, Sarah, her other half, Gary and their three cute little ones yesterday. We all met at the Westside Regional Park or as some know it Tillie Fowler Park. It was certainly a great day for photos!
I had the pleasure of working with her three children, Kayla, John and little Jarrod, just 2 months old. There were so many great pictures to choose from I had a hard time picking a few to show everyone. These kids are charmers.
Kayla is four and she is going to be a model, I promise. She is not shy and loves having her picture taken. Quite possibly the best quality a photographer could ask for. At four years old she is already pretty good at posing herself. And she has the sweetest little dimples! These kids were great, they hardly fought with each other, I wish I could say that about me and my siblings!
John is the oldest and does have a natural urge to pick on his little sister but he was good yesterday and refrained as much as he could. He made it very clear to me that he hates bugs and nature, maybe not a good idea to meet at the natural preserve area. He did good and eventually began impersonating those bugs that he 'claimed' to not like originally. He is a good kid and has a natural smile. Although, I did keep teasing him about fake smiling to make him laugh and it worked! Plus one for me. These two little kids just welcomed into their family a new baby brother, Jarrod! He was born in January and has the prettiest eyes! And the cutest little yawn! See for yourself! Jarrod was a little testy so we did have some improvising to do. I grabbed some shots while his Mother was rocking him to soothe his little cries, however, his mom is the tallest lady I know compared to my 5'5" self, some more improvising and we were good to go.  Check out more of their images from their session on the facebook fan page Unobstructed Studios! And suggest us to your friends, we will be giving away a mini session soon to fan number 300 and who ever refered them!

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