Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Turn Turn Turn

Every photographer becomes a photographer for a reason, whether they tell you or not. Every action has a purpose and ever purpose has a link back to that photographer. In my work, I reveal alot of myself through my work with others. And having said that, this is the hardest shoot I have ever had. When I was a little kid, still in elementary school, I found out that I had more family than I knew of, I had an Uncle and 4 cousins that lived in California, the land of fruits and nuts. And shortly, I would meet them as they were moving to New York and would live near my family, right next door actually. So, they moved next door to us at some point in my life and then when I was 13 my family moved to Florida. And shortly thereafter, so did my uncle. And so long story somewhat short, through my life growing up I have forged a strong bond with my uncles and cousins. I did my under grad thesis work on a topic that inspired me, because of my uncle and he starred in it as well. So, these pictures below are people that are near and dear to my heart.
Fast forward to the present day and time. My uncle still lives just down the road from me, and his daughter is in California and his son in New York. We talk to each other occasionally but it had been years since I physically saw them. I visited New York three times last year, and didn't see my cousin once. Well, long story short-ish, my uncle finds out he has lung cancer shortly after finding out his son and his girlfriend, were expecting.
This session was hard for sure, but thanks to the unrelenting humor of my cousin, Ed, it was alot easier to handle. This was a lot of stuff rolled together into one day. It was family portraits, it was a couples shoot, it was a maternity shoot, and mind you, Anne, is no where near showing. These are the people I care about and I am glad for everyone to get to meet them. And little update, my uncle is doing well, his cancer is shrinking and he is on the road to recovery. My cousin is, hopefully, soon to be on a diet and get in shape before his baby is born.

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