Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sweet Caroline

Where it begins....

I was friended on a website for photographers and models by a girl, from Amelia Island area, and she was super duper sweet. She is a young model and looking to get work done on her ever growing portfolio. So, we began our fabulous email relationship. Back and forth with ideas and locations. It is always a good practice to meet with people before shooting, clients, models, etc. So, we set up a meeting at Starbucks, my favorite place. I for sure got lost on the way there, but, we had a great meeting and she had some great ideas. Very clear ideas. So, we set up a date for a shoot, and a place, Fort Clinch. Which I had never had been there before, that is a really nice place! Alot of spiders, but none the less a nice place. We ended up moving the shoot further back in the week and then finally it was shooting day. So, me and my assistant packed up and set out to meet at Fort Clinch. Well, being the occasional ra-tard I am, I had no idea exactly where I was, but I knew there would be brown signs! So, what should have taken maybe 45 minutes to get there, turned into almost an hour and a half, as I also got stuck behind a convoy of logging trucks.
So, the concept of this shoot we did was all her idea, she wanted to do something a little more natural than most models would want to. She wanted to make a statement about girls and image. She willingly wore no make up to the shoot, and wore simple subdued colors, very natural and pure. The concept was to let girls, all girls, be aware that they are beautiful, no matter what. Make up and clothes are not going to make you pretty, you make you pretty. Your personality and attitude make you beautiful.
I will admit, this scared me a little bit, and caught me off guard. Caroline is a gorgeous girl, and she can pull off a potato sack. I would never expect a model to suggest such an idea, so this was obviously something close to Caroline, and I went with it. So the shoot went great, I was late....go figure...and we did not have much time to shoot in the blazing heat...but she still did awesome, the camera loves her. And the images are very pure and natural. There is no makeup on that precious face. Once we realized that we worked well together and had fun, we set up another shoot, and we brought on board with us Leeann Soxx onwer and driving force behind MakeUp Your Destiny........

....Bah Bah Bah

So, after much debate on whether I said Wednesday or Tuesday, we met Tuesday morning at 8am so that Caroline could get her make up done. Leeann also came on board to help with styling too. Now, we are all in different counties so it was a municipal collaboration. Nassau, Duval and St Johns. And we all met at my house that morning, and I overslept. And now you should also know that Sweet caroline, is one of my favorite songs, so of course when make up is going on and I have nothing to do, I have to obsessively play it. I have listened to it about 7 times just writing this blog. Anywho, long story long, the second shoot went even better with Leeann on board she was an awesome stylist and the make up looked amazing!! Yo all have to see for yourself! These images are amazing! And, the team we had pulled together was amazing! And my mom came out and helped and had a great time too!! Check out all the images from Carolines shoot! And, remember that anyone can look beautiful with or with out make up, but if you want to add professional make up to your session you can!! And, MakeUp Your Destiny is the best of the best!!!
I will say I am sad that our little Caroline is heading back to Tennessee soon, as she is a student at the U of T up in Chattanooga. But, I better see her at holidays. It was an all around great project ot work on and be a part of. We all got along well together, even after I overslept. I adore these girls, we had good times...

.....good times never seemed so good.


The lovely Leeann Soxx, owner of
MakeUp Your Destiny


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