Monday, August 1, 2011

August 2011

Unobstructed Studios is launching a new campaign to promote optimism in a dismal society. So, we are focusing on alot of new ideas and concepts that promote the things in life that we are or should be happy and thankful for. And with that I present to you the August 2011 and very first client of the month:
Mandy Hayes!!!
Mandy has been a Unobstructed Studios fan and supporter for some time now and we never could get a shoot arrange for one reason or another. So, when we launched the cutest kid contest I made sure that Mandy had a spot for Cameron, her son, is two years old and adorable. I met Mandy and her mother in law Connie for their session at the Starbucks in riverside on a drab and dreary day. Rain was threatening and we were pressed with time because of that but being such a trooper Mandy decided to go with it and we never ended up getting rained on but maybe a few drops.
Cameron did great at his session and looked adorable in his cool yellow attire. After Mandy's session through speaking with her, I realized how much this lady has one her plate. See, Cameron has seizures and up until that point he had been doing fine, seizure free, for about 9 months. About a month after their session Cameron had 2 seizures, one bad enough to land him in the hospital for a few days. I cannot imagine what Mandy and her family must have gone through during that time. But, I can say she is a strong a fighter as her son is. She keep herself positive and even when we talked, she always asked how I was doing and how things were with me. Through all that she was going through she was still aware of the World outside that hospital room. That is the type of person that we need more of. Someone kind hearted and caring. Cameron is doing well now and he is a strong little man. When I approached Mandy to see if she would represent Unobstructed Studios as the August Client of the Month, she was thrilled and we set a date to meet up and get some pictures taken.
As luck would have it, we met up on another drab and dreary day that was threatening rain again. But, the images came out great and Cameron did even better this time around! I couldn't be happier with the resulting images or that Cameron is doing better. It takes a strong person to step outside of themselves and put others before themselves. And that is why Mandy is our client of the month. I hope that she and her family will enjoy the images that were shot as an acknowledgement of her kindness and good spirit.
Have a look below at some highlights from the day. And if you know someone that you would like to nominate for the client of the month, please feel free to, we are always looking to hear peoples stories. Simply email a brief description of the person you are nominating to


  1. Thank You so much, everything you've done for us is greatly appreciated! Your an awesome photographer :) We can't wait to get more pics done!!

  2. It is my pleasure! I cant wait either! It is always an adventure, in the rain!!!
