Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Images for a cure

Many of you have probably heard me mention or read somewhere about images for a cure. And maybe you have came across it and you aren't really sure what it is exactly. So, I am here now to explain everything! Yay!
Images for a Cure was founded by Kristen Weaver, she is a fabulous photographer based out of Orlando, Florida, but works internationally. And she says it best with this little excerpt from the images for a cure website (
Images for a Cure was started in August of 2009 as a small idea by Orlando based wedding and fashion photographer, Kristen Weaver. A small brainchild turned in to an international event of large proportion, joining 239 photographers across 3 countries to raise money for The Breast Cancer Research Foundation.
Thanks to the contribution of these photographers, all donating 100% of their session fees for one day, along with the support of 21 industry sponsors, Images for a Cure raised $12,900 at the conclusion of their 2009 event.
2010 proved to be a challenging and transitional year for Images for a Cure. Legally incorporated, with new logos, branding and a new website, the company had dedicated itself more than ever to reaching life-changing goals for The Breast Cancer Research Foundation. A team of photographers based in Orlando have joined together to tirelessly promote the participation of photographers and sponsors. New tier-based participation levels has been introduced, and the commitment of our photographers has been inspiring. Our goal to form a united group of photographers actively supporting a single cause has been realized, and as a unit, we were stronger than ever! The introduction of our first workshop in Spring 2011 encouraged us to promote the event year-round and new, exciting opportunities for partnerships with our sponsors promote unity and support among the industry.
Thanks to the contribution of 255 photographers, along with the support of countless industry sponsors, Images for a Cure raised $15,343 at the conclusion of their 2010 event; bringing our grand total to $28,243!

End quote.

So, I am very excited to announce that Unobstructed Studios is on board for the 2011 Images for a cure. Most of you faithful followers are well aware that I personally have been impacted by cancer in my life recently. I had a very good best friend and a family member diagnosed with two different types of cancer on the same day. And it through both of them that I truly learned what it is like to survive.
We all go through our day to day routines and we complain and we think that we going through alot, whether it be stress, a bad job, whatever, but we truly do not know what it like to go through something like cancer unless we have been there. And cancer is not a thing you can fight alone. You need your back up, you need your family and friends to be there for you and it does start to take a toll on them too. Hilary Clinton was wrong, it doesn't take a village to raise a child, it takes a village to fight cancer.
One of the main reasons I wanted to participate in the Images for a cure is because I see my good best friend go through such hard times with having such a painful illness and it is heartbreaking, but I also see her get up everyday and still go to work, and see her laugh and I see her cry. She lives a normal life, and she doesn't want anyone to treat her like a victim. She knows the importance when smiling when it is the hardest to smile.
It is very important to me to be a part of Images for a Cure, and it is important to make sure that come time for the event, it is fun. Everyone has a great time, we raise alot of money for an amazing cause and we all enjoy ourselves as much as possible.
If you would like to receive more information on participating with Unobstructed Studios or if you would like the information needed to book a session, once the date is set, most likely in November, email us! We would happy to put you on the list! And we will give you all the information you will need,

I really hope to see a huge turn out and I hope that we can send a big ole donation to The Breast Cancer Research Foundation.

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