Monday, August 22, 2011

Girls just wanna have fun

Some of my favorite people!! A session that was scheduled and shot solely for these girls to have fun, it doesn't get much better than that! Jennifer and Kristen, on the ends in the above image, have been loyal clients of mine for awhile now and these other two lovely ladies are their nieces and they are just as sweet! They are both heading off to college!! When I was contacted about this shoot I knew that I had to do something to make this extra special for them. Especially since Jennifer's husband was very nice and helped me with some car trouble recently and saved me a ton of money!
So, I called in the lovely Leeann Soxx from MakeUp Your Destiny!!! I had arranged for her to meet these four beautiful ladies before their session and do their make up for them. Enhancing the fun of the shoot! I will say not only am I lucky to have the best clients, but the best vendors as well. Leeann did an amazing job and these ladies only looked more beautiful and they got to spend a few extra hours together.
By the time they got to their location, they were all smiles and giggles! That makes my job alot easier! The bond that they all have, is amazing. It is not often to see such a strong bond between aunts and nieces, but this is a very strong and close family. And these girls are all about having some fun.
One of these lovelies is going to college to study nursing, and the other is still undecided but is going to attend Southern Christian, I hope I have that name correct!! They are a great family and fun people! All the best to these to two girls as they start their journey. And all the thanks in the World to leeann soxx of make up your destiny! What a lovely lady and an amazing job she does with make up!
If you like the make up on these women, you can add make up services to any session, even half sessions! If you would like more information on either booking a session or make up services, please contact us! We would love to here from you! Email to reach unobstructed studios and to reach leeann soxx with makeup your destiny!
We would be happy to fit you in and soon as possible!!

So, in honor of back to school day being today for the majority of the viewing area, I thought I would share with everyone these two lovely ladies, their family and the fun they had!

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