Sunday, August 14, 2011

The bigger the family....

...the more love and presents for all. To my faithful blog readers, this family should look very familiar to you. The Simmons family! One of my favorites, I worked with them in the spring at the beach and I just adore them all. Melissa, the leader of the pack, is quite possibly one of the kindest people I have ever met. When I first met Melissa back in the spring, I was going through some not so happy things and she was so kind and helpful to me. She really could relate to my current happenings and she was always there to talk to. Come time for her session we spent days trying to coordinate her, her husband and their four kids together for two locations. And, she did an amazing job as everyone looked awesome! There session was alot of fun, alot of chaos, and alot of great pictures.
After their session we continued to communicate and further transition from professional relationship to friend. So, I was over joyed to get the call from Melissa that she was ready for another shoot!!

Seems as though she had two kids coming up on birthdays, and she knows the importance of great memories and capturing family moments. So, we played around with a few dates and settled on the 29th, I find this odd because her last session was also on the 29th.
The Simmons are such a great family and they are all very kind to everyone. It was one of those extra humid days and it had just finished raining when we started shooting, so it was a sweaty day by far one of the worst!!
When everyone was changing in to their second outfit, the sweetest thing happened. Jonathon, or Dad, was with two of the boys and giving them capri suns to cool them down and one of the boys asked for another one after he had already gotten his, and hid Dad asked him why as he is handing it him, and this sweet little boy took the extra drink and gave it me. I just thought that was the sweetest thing ever.
So, as you look at their images from their session, keep in mind you are looking at some of the kindest people in a jaded society full of selfish motives and antics.

Thank you for my delicious Capri Sun!

Having kids these days I am sure is not easy, let alone four of them. Yet, Melissa and Jonathon have four beautiful children and not only that, they have four polite and kind children. Being around this family is very renewing to ones spirit, two people that love each other so much it cushions their children's falls, craps and cuts. There is no denying that Jonathon and Melissa are very much in love and you can see it in their eyes and you can see it in there kids.

Everyone should get to enjoy their cake on their birthday!

Mr and Mrs Simmons. Super cool parents to 4 lucky kids.

Melissa is another one of those clients I have that have genuinely cared about my own personal trials and battles in the last year. I am thankful for them and I am certain they were supposed to be in my life. I do love the sessions that are scheduled because of some upcoming special occasion in someones life, like celebrating a birthday and you realize after the session is done and over, once you being the processing of the photos, that its more than celebrating a birthday or whatever the occasion may be. It's about celebrating life. And even more I love that I have those types of clients that celebrate life, and understand life, and appreciate every single day of it.
The Simmons family are like that, as are many of my clients, and I thank my lucky stars for that everyday. I love watching their kids grow, and I am tickled to pieces that I am the person chosen to do that for them.

If you are viewing the Simmons families session and you enjoy the images, please feel free to contact Unobstructed Studios at any time to receive information on booking a session for yourself or your family. There are many options to chose from, and we will find the right package for you and your family. For more details email


  1. Thanks so much Cynthia, we had a great time and live all your work...xoxox and I still continue to pray... With love the simmons gang..

  2. I always have the best time with yall! I cant wait until the next session!!!
