Monday, August 29, 2011

It's my party

So, I am a little behind on the blog, again. But, for good reasons, we have been very busy this month with alot of exciting new projects! In July Unobstructed Studios held is first ever Portrait Party! A portrait party for those who may not know, is when you hold several small sessions at once at the same location for one fee. It is a really great idea for parties, events and other type occasions. Our first ever was actually organized by Unobstructed Studios, which traditionally, they are not, they are requested at events but we thought it would fun and a great idea to get the word out about them.
So, we had one! And it was alot of fun! It was on July 31st and yes it did in fact rain! However, it did clear up in time for us to still have a great time, minus the after rain humidity!! Portrait parties are a really good idea for children's birthdays and events similar to that and they sometimes have a theme and sometimes are pretty random in theme. It is all up to the client and what they want to do. Since our first ever portrait party was organized by us, I picked them theme! And it was fabulous, we had a spring time lemonade them. Lemonade signs and all. It was alot of fun, even in the planning stages it was alot of fun. My assistant made a wonderful sign for the lemonade and we put the Unobstructed Studios logo on it. It turned out awesome! We went with yellow and pinks because they are pretty and I wanted them! Most portrait parties are on location at events and parties, but very soon , we will be offering portrait parties in our new studio! That is sure to be alot of fun with all the props and such to play with! This first one, was also alot of fun! It was a great turn out and everyone had fun, there was lemonade and cookies to go along with the theme. I will admit, I forgot to put sugar in the lemonade and honestly, it wasn't the best tasting lemonade I have ever had.  It did, however photograph well, very photogenic lemonade!

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