Sunday, October 2, 2011

Back to School

I have to admit that I have wanted to do one of these sessions for years and I am so happy that I finally had the chance to shoot the first day of school!! The way that I look at it, the first day of school is already hectic enough, so what is the big deal if you also add to that, a photographer?

So, when one of my most favorite clients approached me with the idea, I was excited!! But, I will say that we were both a little but worried that on the first day of school, some kids have a hard time and tears ensue. Fortunately, Kaden, one of the coolest kids, also uber photogenic, did great!! He was very well behaved and compared to the kids in his class, he was an angel.
This is a good time for me to extend to you all, my two cents, when your child is going to pre-school for the very first time ever, give that child a head start, feed them breakfast! Do not take your child through the drive through at Chic Fil A on the way to school and feed them a fried and fatty breakfast. Thank God that my clients are good mothers and this was not them with the chicken biscuit breakfast! Secondly, I do feel like bringing your favorite photographer to the first day of school really helps your child get ahead and become more excited for school. Kaden got to hold the flag for the pledge that morning and i am sure that having a photographer there to capture the first day of school really helped the teacher choose him for the task. And I will say, it was a task he sure did well at, and made his parents proud. So, every parent dreads that moment when they have to leave their chicklin' on the first day of school, they assume it will hard for their kid to let go and be with out their parent for a few hours a day. I find that in reality, it is usually the parents that have the hardest time leaving. And I find this to be a very sweet moment. You know, these cute little kids, they are experiencing something new, exciting and fun, they don't realize that this is actually a rite of passage as their parents do. Kids don't know that they are growing up, they see new stuff to play with and their name on a desk.
But, whether you as a parent have a hard time leaving or your child has a hard time with you leaving, it is a special day and it is a moment in which you know your child is growing up, unbeknownst to them.
Having said that, I will always be available to follow you and your little one around on that special day, so that you can have that day forever. It is freezing time and in the pictures, no matter how much time passes, they don't grow up.

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