Monday, September 26, 2011

September Client of the Month

Septembers Client of the Month is someone who is very near and dear to my life. An amazing person on her own, I consider her my personal cheerleader and you will see why.
I met my good best friend Tammy when I was working on my AA at FCCJ in 2007. We had a science class together and we hit it off on the first day of classes and throughout the semester we became study buddies and friends. We graduated together with our AA's in 2008, and she went on to business school and I went on to JU to study fine arts. We kept in touch and always made time to hang out and catch up, mostly through our love of music, going to check out local shows on the weekends.
We have seen each other through break ups and new relationships and even more break ups. I have helped her move into her new apartment when she moved and lived completely on her own for the first time ever. And as life passes us by, we can still get together and it seems like we saw each other just yesterday.
So fast forward to a couple months ago. My good best friend Tammy tells me she has to go to the doctor and I offered to accompany her as any good friend would do. And one doctor appointment turned into three and four and more and more. And one night I get a call from her and she asks if I can come over tomorrow as she has something to tell me. And, I say of course and the next night I show up at her apartment to find a more somber than normal friend.
She sits down and tells me and some other friends and her daughter that after all the doctor appointments she has been going to the doctors have finally told her she has breast cancer.
No one will prepare you to hear this from anyone. Tammy was diagnosed with breast cancer the same day that my uncle was diagnosed with lung cancer. And we all sat their and told her we loved her and we were there for her and we were supporting her through anything she went through.
Her doctors put her on a very aggressive regime of chemo and after two rounds of chemo she did begin to lose all of her long brownish reddish hair.
And she is now reached the halfway point of her treatment and she is stronger today than ever before. Laughter helps her get through and she sure is good at making jokes about her situation. When we go to chemo we are the only two people in the room that are usually laughing hysterically the whole time and watching funny YouTube videos. The one thing that we look forward to the most on days that she has to go to chemo are the children's Highlights that the doctors office has in the waiting room and we always see who can find all the hidden items first. She still gets up everyday and goes to work her full time job and does her chemo on her days off.
If I had to pick just one thing I have learned from her, I couldn't do that. She has taught me more over the last month than throughout our entire friendship. She is a fighter, and she is a strong little lady.
I say that she is my cheerleader because she still takes time to encourage my career and my dreams. Tammy helps me with my business and encourages the risky decisions I make everyday in my life. She is more helpful now than ever before. She always helps me spell things correctly and keeps me motivated when things aren't going the best.
It is as though she has a new lease on life and even though there are days that are tougher than others, she still always has a smile on her face and a go getter attitude. It is with Tammys help that Unobstructed Studios is on board this year to participate in the 2011 Images for a Cure event, in which proceeds are going to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. The sessions are being held the first weekend of November, from the 4th through the 6th. The forth and the sixth will see at least 50% donated and the 5th 100% will be donated to the breast cancer research foundation. I hope you all will come out and support everyone! For more information about Images for a Cure, email me at I will gladly talk with anyone interested in a session, donation or interested in sponsorship. It is a great cause and I hope to see a huge donation on behalf of Unobstructed Studios!
If you know of someone that you feel makes their corner of the World a better place, we'd love to hear about them! Shoot us over an email at and nominate them for Client of the Month!! They will be featured on the blog and they will have a free session too! We are looking for people that make a difference, people that overcome obstacles and people that really care about others. So, email us and tell us why your nominations would be a perfect fit for our Client of the Month!!!

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