Friday, November 25, 2011

Mallory & Derek

Awww. Young love, is than anything more refreshing to see than young love? Mallory was one of the few that successfully completed the 30 day photo challenge way back in the spring. Being that she completed it, she won a mini session, and we took awhile to schedule and shoot it.
 Mallory has worked with photographers in the past, which is extremely exciting because she was already pretty well at posing herself and it helps that she is so pretty too!!! When we were talking about scheduling her session we talked alot about our ideas and she knew that she wanted to do a couples shoot with her boyfriend Derek.  They had spent a long time as friends and just recently started actually dating and were coming up on a year of dating. So, we finally decided to try something different and do a session at night. We both were extremely excited for that!! And come the day, rather night, of their shoot it was unseasonably warm and very uncomfortable with sweaters on, but they both looked fabulous!! As you can see, some people were born camera ready, and that's Mallory, always smiling and ready to be captured. One of the things I get to witness at couples sessions is the interaction between two people and its adorable with couples that are just in love. Couples sessions, in all honesty, are awkward for couples, you are posed together in what are moments that most people don't stand their and photograph, you are sometimes just flat out staring at each other for awkward periods of time and it is uncomfortable. But, well worth it! Remember that!!  I will say it is nice to see two people so young that are so sweet and considerate. So, don't like the awkwardness of posing be a deterrent to booking your session! Even Derek was a good poser! especially for a Red Sox fan!!! That is one of those discovery's that really make the session interesting when I keep wanting to call him Derek Jeter, as I am a huge Yankees fan, and he drops the Red Sox bomb and suddenly we both have to go. Ha! But, he was a trooper and the resulting images are fabulous!  Should anyone be considering a couples shoot, I say do it! Life is short, take way too many pictures. And we work with our clients and find them the best locations and the perfect shoots to make sure that the resulting image is a reflection of them and not us. Email today to get more information or to book any type of shoot! Until we hear from you, enjoy this adorable couple!

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