Saturday, April 9, 2011

Doubling the Fun!

I have recently came to the conclusion that I am only going to be booking a max of 2-3 sessions per day, jsut because I find that it's the easiest way to get crazy behind. One of my last sessions in March was a double session of two great families, and their kids, who hate me.
When I met Julie and Debbie, amazing mother powerhouses, they brough along their kids to the consultation. This is something I always reccomend, I had no idea that I was going to be teamed up against! Don't let me give you the wrong impression, Julie, Debbie and Debbies mother, were great! We had a great meeting and alot of laughing! Their kids were playing together, and kind of went into kid world, and I thought come photo day they would be fine. Holy crap! Was I wrong! I have never had children so anti-me! And the kicker is that their kids are ADORABLE! Serioiusly!
I will say though, they will not be talking to strangers any time soon!!
These kids are so sweet and adorable! They gave me a run for my money as they avoided me!!! Julie and Debbie and their husbands were ever so patient and the shoot was not lost, good shots were captured. These kids are so darn cute. It was a hot day too!
Julie has two girls and Debbie has a little boy, they were just lovely to work for and I had a great time!
Shooting two families at once does have its challenges but I did find that it can be alot easier to capture those ever so important candid moments. I found that during the session, no matter where I turned something was picture worthy.
And Debbie is having, hopefully, another boy!! She is under alot of pressure here to even out the score! I really love these two families! They BOTH have the patience of saints! These sessions came with as many technical problems as I don't even know what! From gallery problems to packages being lost in the mail! Which by the way the post office has yet to return to me!!!
Hopefully some of their patience has rubbed off on me! Julie and Debbie were awesome! And I really feel like more and more when I meet new clients, I am meeting new friends. As both of these girls lent me some support as I went through the oddest month of a small business owner. It is not easy running your own show and living your own life. It has alot of ups but also some downs and Julie and Debbie really helped me in finding my balance.

I hope very much to work with these ladies and their families in the future as I adore them! And I am determined to make those children like me more! Ha!

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