Saturday, May 21, 2011

Summer Called, It's on its way!!

As summer is just around the corner, or already here as the thermometer implies, I want to share alot of specials with everyone! As of April 2011 rates are as listed to the left. However, there are alot of specials going on too!!
I have recently teamed up with an AMAZING make up artist, LeeAnn Soxx, with Make Up Your Destiny, and not only is she talented, but she's pretty, too! You can have her services added to any session you book! Until June 30th we are teaming up to offer a weekday special! You can email either of us to book!! To see her work and add like her fan page visit here:!/pages/MakeUp-Your-Destiny/205364749494434
LeeAnn is a trained professional and is very good at what she does! Check her out!
There are alot of specials going on for June! Make sure to tell all your friends and take advantage of them! Fathers Day! Summer! Graduation!! And if you are entering into your senior year, whether college or high school, Unobstructed Studios is offering up an excellent grad special for seniors! This is a great special with alot of savings and if there is alot of interest, it may be extended! And there is always referral specials and package add ons available, too! Make sure to tell all your friends and help spread the savings!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

And baby makes SIX!!!

Well, so, this is Melissa and Jonathon, they are super super super awesome folks. And they are very blessed with four great kids. I am not even kidding, they are super cool kids. When I met Melissa over a month ago to talk about their pictures and meet the kids, I left with a flower from one of them. And when I dropped off her package yesterday, I also left with a flower. Her kids are kind. I will say though, I have a collection of flowers and leaves in my car from gracious little children. What is really cool about these kids, they are all their own person, and they all have their own little personalities. And these kids sure have a boat load of energy! So, what better idea than give them custard from Ritas!! It was an idea thrown around when we were talking about the session and I thought it would be a great idea and a good reward for the kids. Helps alot that it is also a good way to get them to behave sometimes! Ha! But these kids were just great. Of the pinwheels and kites brought, I personally feel that the custard was the most photo friendly to the youngest Simmons! These kids were great and it was very easy to capture them and their candid moments. I find more and more than I get very attached to my clients and I look forward to future sessions so that I can see how everyone is doing and how the kids have grown and such. I will say I love Addie's new haircut and I am glad that Melissa is so friendly!! I am super excited to work for the Simmons again. I do adore all my clients and this is no exception!

There was no lady with a camera at the park

So, this is Kelly and her Dad, and I had the pleasure of meeting Kelly for probably the most clandestine session I may have ever scheduled. Now, I have shot some secret sessions, boudoirs, birthdays etc. so when Kelly first contacted me about doing something for Mother's Day for her Mom, and also sisters I knew that we would work together very well. Until all the 'maybes.'
We originally planned to shoot at the cummer, until the day of the session, when we realized that the cummer was closed on Mondays. So we replanned and found a new location! Then it threatened to rain, more importantly lightening. I had to send that dreaded message about how I do not chance anything when it starts lightening. But, the stars and the clouds aligned for this sweet girl. And there was no other problems!
Somehow, between Kelly and her Dad, they managed to get 4 kids in one place at one time, with out anyone knowing that something was up! There were outfit changes and those everyone quiet moments when phones rang. It was on Mothers Day that Kelly mentioned to me that none of the kids told! All of them listen to their Aunt Tater :) who had to put one back in a uniform and remind them that at the park, there was no lady with a camera there!
I cannot tell you how much I adore this girl! She went through so much to make this happen for the people that she loves and seeing her and her Father interact with these kids, you can truly tell that they have a great family. All the kids were so good! They listened and they respected each other and even the adults. I could not have been happier with the results, this was my best session shot to date.
Being a secret mission poor Kelly had to wait for her online gallery to go up to see her images, so me as impatient as I dont even know. I kept emailing her my favorites. So, once the gallery goes up and every things order and ready to be delivered. I am out of town. Go figure! So, I had to call on my Mom, to drop off this ever so important package to this super sweet girl! Now, I love my mom to pieces, but she hates to drive! And that's all I could think of when I left to work in Orlando for three days. My mom was either going to get lost driving to Kellys or something was going to happen. After all the planning and secrets, it was all up to my Mom!! Thankfully, everything went off with out a problem and now my Mom also adores Kelly! Such a sweet girl, she really must think very highly of her family to go through such lengths to pull of such a gift for them. It was a true pleasure to work for her. And I just had the best time at their session!
I will leave you all with my personal favorite from their session, and one of the very first shots that was taken at their session. Young Zayne, who shares his name with my dad!

We sleep under the same stars

This is a story about two grammies a that live states away from their precious little grand daughter. Both of them came into town in May, one left the same day the other arrived :(  So, there were two sessions and two days of fun. This is Alaina, at our very first session in January, me and her mom go way back. We met in high school and have had those periods of losing contact, mainly because I was up to my eyeballs in school books. But, one things for certain, Emily is one of those friends that you can always just pick back up with like you saw her yesterday. Her family has always been so welcoming to me, and I spent many nights there in high school. And they always made sure I wasn't leaving hungry. So, long story long, Emily had met a co-worker of mine at my graduation and they hit it off and some years later they had this cutie pie, Alaina. Emily's mother took a promotion that landed her in Savannah, and then Texas. So she flies in when she can and sees the family. We literally shot this session minutes before Laurie was to leave for the airport. As much as I just adore the Pamiza family, I will do it every time she is in town. I may even like traveling to Texas. Every things bigger there. I just simply could not be happier for everyone in this family when I see how much Alaina has changed so many of them and the love that she gets from everyone. And once she is potty trained, I may even offer to babysit. There is nothing that I wouldn't do for a friend, let alone a family of friends, it's like a gaggle.
So back on East Coast time, as Laurie is leaving for Texas, Alaina's other Grandma is flying in from Pennsylvania. Debb, lives in Pittsburgh, and when you meet her, you will feel like you already have known her for most of your life. Me and Debb have been emailing back and forth about her visit for months. Possibly since Alainas first shoot in January.
She fits in very well with everyone and when your around her it seems like you could just chat for hours. This is why I adore Debb, she is a very calming person and it is very easy to feel comfortable around her. Debb is at left here in the pink, Debb, meet the blog readers. Blog readers, meet Debb. Her session started out a little rockier as Alaina was hungry and teething and doesn't like socks. But once we got her to the park, she was a doll. And she gave us all her best smiles and she tired us all out. It was a long session for a little girl, but when a child is happy and smiling you tend to run with it for as long as it will possibly last.  And once Alaina's Dad actually woke up a smidge (you all should know he works overnights) it was even better and alot more running around. Everyone was awesome on their color coordinating too. And all the way from Pittsburgh, did Debb not bring with her the cutest tutu ever!! I just adore this lady! It was so cute and I am thinking of getting my own! It made for some of the best pictures too!
Check them out for yourself. I had such a great time with these two grandmothers and the short amount of time that they spent in Jacksonville. And I am excited for their next trip down here. I am sure it wont be before too long.  Check out the awesome tutu below! Thanks Debb for being awesome!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Whatcha all doin down there?? Huh??

Blog readers and followers this is Tammy, Tammy these are my blog readers and followers. You may know some of them. So let me tell you about Tammy. Let me tell ya bout my best friend. Me and Tammy met when we were both students at FCCJ, in Professor Crews Physical Science class. We became friends very fast and we studied together, as Tammy no like science. Well, we ended up graduating together and having a super fun graduation party, most of which I don't recall ever happening.....
Fast forward to present, me and this girl have both been to hell and back, moving from place to place, losing boyfriends, illnesses, tragedy etc. We are the Romeo and Juliet of friendship. If me and her were to stand in a crowd of thousands, one of us would be the only one in the crowd to get pooped on by a bird.
Through all of this, we have each other to call the other one gay for crying. I have trying to trick, persuade and beg her to get in front of the lens for years. And I finally did!'s all mine!!!
We shot her session at four different places and I was so excited and the irony is that both of our favorite places, was outside her front door.
She is a lady whom I adore, that helps me when I need it, will file my paperwork if I whine about it long enough, and will always answer my text, because I wont call.
I am so very happy that she finally posed for me and had her a session! She has come a very long way and I just could not be happier for her. Finding your path in your own life is sometimes the very hardest thing to do ever, and this girls owns her path, and if cross, you will be trespassing.
It was nice of yall to finally meet.
And if you like to see more of the images from Tammys long over do session, check out the Unobstructed Studios Facebook Fan Page, and view her gallery.
I am sure she'd love for you to stop by....even with out calling first, I do it all the time.

Easter Goodness For All!!!

Easter!!! Easter this year was one of my favorites! Being that it was successful is one thing, but it was also alot of fun, and I met alot of great people!
Easter season, yes season, started off with the cutest little blonde girl!!!
Aliyah! This lovely girl I blogged about earlier in March, she is a smart little girl and she is adorable! Her parents were awesome and they really prepared her for her session. It was maybe one of the fastest sessions I have ever shot, but the result was awesome!
This little girl was adorable, I cannot say that enough! The location was perfect and I ended up shooting at the same location a few more time in that month and in April. Thanks to the Maranatha Baptist Church on Leon Road!!!
Ava was the next Easter session, and was at the same location! I call her Ava Adore, as she is just so cute and comes loaded with the cutest most adorable outfits and accessories I may have ever seen. I worked with her last for her first birthday and just fell in love with her big brown eyes!
She did so well at her Easter session, I could not be happier with the resulting images! Ava has an amazing family and I always just love seeing them at sessions! And her mother just graduated law school, too!! What an accomplishment!
Easter was just a very fun time at Unobstructed Studios!!
Haliegh was after that, and she was a doll! This little girl has got to be the most independent child I may have ever met. She has these gorgeous blue eyes and she is just full of personality. I must say, of all the kids that I work with, no two are alike. Some are quiet and shy, some are outgoing and crazy, some make me sweat and chase them. Haliegh was ready to pack her bags for college by the time her session was over! There is no telling her what or where to do or go! Don't get me wrong she is a very sweet child and you can tell that she is very cared for and loved, on her terms, that is. Those are her proud little feet at the top of this post.
I have an underlying feeling that I was alot like this little lady when I was her age and that surely it wasn't developed later on in life. She was just so funny to watch while at her session! And from this session we had some fabricated Easter cards that I just could not be happier about! They came out so great and vibrant, I wanted to keep one! It was designed with alot of green tones to be cohesive with the location of the shoot, at the treaty oak.
If you haven't been to Treaty Oak Park, go immediately, your missing out!!
Hayden!!! Hayden was my last minute Easter session finale. I had literally and retarded scheduled myself into a 3 session day! Hayden was my lunch time date at the Cummer gardens! And every time I see this little girl, she is more and more beautiful. She has these bright red lips and piercing eyes that just contrast so well with her pale skin.
And even though she wasn't feeling so well, she still did such a great job! She did get a little focused on going up and down the stairs, several times, but this is my workout routine! She was such a doll, as always! The gardens were in full bloom and overflowing with pinks and purple and the green foliage makes this little girl stand out against the brush.
There may or may not have been some eggs in the fountains, but if there were it probably was fun! I will say again that I am very very very luck to have the best clients ever! Ever session I shoot is always so much fun and I just am in love with doing what I do. I am a very lucky girl!
I am hoping every one had a great magical Easter!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Miller Mania

So, I think it is very obvious in my work, I don't work with alot of boys. Just being honest. So, when I was contacted by Jennifer, and I met with her and her three boys, I will admit, I left scared to death. But, never show your clients children your fear. Me and Jennifer sat and talked about her session while her kids played on the playground at the park we met at. I literally looked to my left and her child, was standing on top of one of the playground play thingys.
Never show them fear.

Their session was at Memorial Park, and to be honest, it was hardly worth fearing!! She has such a lovely family, and she is the only girl in it. Yep. Her children are very well behaved and trained to cameras! My favorite. We had some laughs and got some great images! Including the one above. This just expresses, to me, the need for boys to be boys and children to be children, and that is what my work is all about.

Her boys got to the park and were immediately in the trees climbing around. And if that's how the are, that's how they should be. Working for them was a wonderful experience and surely do adore them.
I thought that this is one of the pictures that best describes the Millers, they are fun, a little chaotic at times, but they are fun. You can tell they all have a great love and respect for each other. I did find through out conversations with Jennifer and at their session, she is clearly their calm in the storm and the one in the family you go to when you need to. A very good mother. As shown below.
'Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family'

Jessica and Eric!!!

Jessica (see above) had contacted me to work on some images that someone else had taken at her wedding, and after talking with her through email I felt like I had known her forever. She was referred to me through another client of mine and when I met with her and her husband, Eric I just immediately adored them. We talked at Starbucks for a little while and I had set them up with a session for their post wedding. Which these are fairly common these days.
We talked about locations and what type of feel she wanted and I found a very quaint old farm with some old silos to shoot at. The property owner was at first very apprehensive about me shooting there, because as it turns out, she thought that I worked for the city, who is trying to get her to tear down her silos.
Well, what should have been a conspiracy theory induced conversational red flag, deterred me not! I met with the property handler the day of the shoot to go over all the details, especially regarding safety. She seemed a smidge odd. But I tend to overlook that, as I am odd too.
The shoot was going well, and we were on outfit two. Suddenly things took a turn for the crazy. The property handler, who insisted to me that there were no free range animals, had walked away from all the free range animals to get a dog out of the horse area. It was then that all the free range bulls began to chase us all. And Jessica's husband Eric, really thought standing still and staying calm would deter them, except Jessica, myself and my assistant all were freaking out and yelling from behind the fence that we had never moved so fast to get behind.
I am certain I am having a panic attack, Jessica is certain I killed her husband via bull. He finally waits until the very last possible moment to not die to jump behind the fence.
So, needless to say the session was rescheduled and here you can see a mix of images from both shoots.
All my clients now sign waivers.