Tuesday, May 10, 2011

We sleep under the same stars

This is a story about two grammies a that live states away from their precious little grand daughter. Both of them came into town in May, one left the same day the other arrived :(  So, there were two sessions and two days of fun. This is Alaina, at our very first session in January, me and her mom go way back. We met in high school and have had those periods of losing contact, mainly because I was up to my eyeballs in school books. But, one things for certain, Emily is one of those friends that you can always just pick back up with like you saw her yesterday. Her family has always been so welcoming to me, and I spent many nights there in high school. And they always made sure I wasn't leaving hungry. So, long story long, Emily had met a co-worker of mine at my graduation and they hit it off and some years later they had this cutie pie, Alaina. Emily's mother took a promotion that landed her in Savannah, and then Texas. So she flies in when she can and sees the family. We literally shot this session minutes before Laurie was to leave for the airport. As much as I just adore the Pamiza family, I will do it every time she is in town. I may even like traveling to Texas. Every things bigger there. I just simply could not be happier for everyone in this family when I see how much Alaina has changed so many of them and the love that she gets from everyone. And once she is potty trained, I may even offer to babysit. There is nothing that I wouldn't do for a friend, let alone a family of friends, it's like a gaggle.
So back on East Coast time, as Laurie is leaving for Texas, Alaina's other Grandma is flying in from Pennsylvania. Debb, lives in Pittsburgh, and when you meet her, you will feel like you already have known her for most of your life. Me and Debb have been emailing back and forth about her visit for months. Possibly since Alainas first shoot in January.
She fits in very well with everyone and when your around her it seems like you could just chat for hours. This is why I adore Debb, she is a very calming person and it is very easy to feel comfortable around her. Debb is at left here in the pink, Debb, meet the blog readers. Blog readers, meet Debb. Her session started out a little rockier as Alaina was hungry and teething and doesn't like socks. But once we got her to the park, she was a doll. And she gave us all her best smiles and she tired us all out. It was a long session for a little girl, but when a child is happy and smiling you tend to run with it for as long as it will possibly last.  And once Alaina's Dad actually woke up a smidge (you all should know he works overnights) it was even better and alot more running around. Everyone was awesome on their color coordinating too. And all the way from Pittsburgh, did Debb not bring with her the cutest tutu ever!! I just adore this lady! It was so cute and I am thinking of getting my own! It made for some of the best pictures too!
Check them out for yourself. I had such a great time with these two grandmothers and the short amount of time that they spent in Jacksonville. And I am excited for their next trip down here. I am sure it wont be before too long.  Check out the awesome tutu below! Thanks Debb for being awesome!


  1. Hi, Blog readers, I think Cindy has it backwards...she is the one who is so easy to talk with. Cyn is obviously very smart too... she picked up on the fact that this little cutie pie is loved and adored. I fell in love with Emily and her family too...they do make you feel at home and I couldn't be prouder than to share this beautiful child with them as co-grandparents. Alaina is an angel from heaven and I believe she was a present from God after battening cancer. She is also very photogenic and I want to thank you for capturing her so beautifully. Thanks again for your time and friendship...see you next trip. Lots of love and hugs Alaina's Nonnie ~Debb

  2. Awwww....you are so sweet!!! I just adore our time together and I wish there was more of it!! Let me tell you, in all the years I have know Emily and her family, I have never left their house hungry. I just adore her and her family. It is very hard to miss how loved that little girl is. And by everyone. I am super excited for your next trip down!! And more tutu time!!!

  3. That was sweet Cyndie! You're very talented
