Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Easter Goodness For All!!!

Easter!!! Easter this year was one of my favorites! Being that it was successful is one thing, but it was also alot of fun, and I met alot of great people!
Easter season, yes season, started off with the cutest little blonde girl!!!
Aliyah! This lovely girl I blogged about earlier in March, she is a smart little girl and she is adorable! Her parents were awesome and they really prepared her for her session. It was maybe one of the fastest sessions I have ever shot, but the result was awesome!
This little girl was adorable, I cannot say that enough! The location was perfect and I ended up shooting at the same location a few more time in that month and in April. Thanks to the Maranatha Baptist Church on Leon Road!!!
Ava was the next Easter session, and was at the same location! I call her Ava Adore, as she is just so cute and comes loaded with the cutest most adorable outfits and accessories I may have ever seen. I worked with her last for her first birthday and just fell in love with her big brown eyes!
She did so well at her Easter session, I could not be happier with the resulting images! Ava has an amazing family and I always just love seeing them at sessions! And her mother just graduated law school, too!! What an accomplishment!
Easter was just a very fun time at Unobstructed Studios!!
Haliegh was after that, and she was a doll! This little girl has got to be the most independent child I may have ever met. She has these gorgeous blue eyes and she is just full of personality. I must say, of all the kids that I work with, no two are alike. Some are quiet and shy, some are outgoing and crazy, some make me sweat and chase them. Haliegh was ready to pack her bags for college by the time her session was over! There is no telling her what or where to do or go! Don't get me wrong she is a very sweet child and you can tell that she is very cared for and loved, on her terms, that is. Those are her proud little feet at the top of this post.
I have an underlying feeling that I was alot like this little lady when I was her age and that surely it wasn't developed later on in life. She was just so funny to watch while at her session! And from this session we had some fabricated Easter cards that I just could not be happier about! They came out so great and vibrant, I wanted to keep one! It was designed with alot of green tones to be cohesive with the location of the shoot, at the treaty oak.
If you haven't been to Treaty Oak Park, go immediately, your missing out!!
Hayden!!! Hayden was my last minute Easter session finale. I had literally and retarded scheduled myself into a 3 session day! Hayden was my lunch time date at the Cummer gardens! And every time I see this little girl, she is more and more beautiful. She has these bright red lips and piercing eyes that just contrast so well with her pale skin.
And even though she wasn't feeling so well, she still did such a great job! She did get a little focused on going up and down the stairs, several times, but this is my workout routine! She was such a doll, as always! The gardens were in full bloom and overflowing with pinks and purple and the green foliage makes this little girl stand out against the brush.
There may or may not have been some eggs in the fountains, but if there were it probably was fun! I will say again that I am very very very luck to have the best clients ever! Ever session I shoot is always so much fun and I just am in love with doing what I do. I am a very lucky girl!
I am hoping every one had a great magical Easter!

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