Monday, May 2, 2011

Jessica and Eric!!!

Jessica (see above) had contacted me to work on some images that someone else had taken at her wedding, and after talking with her through email I felt like I had known her forever. She was referred to me through another client of mine and when I met with her and her husband, Eric I just immediately adored them. We talked at Starbucks for a little while and I had set them up with a session for their post wedding. Which these are fairly common these days.
We talked about locations and what type of feel she wanted and I found a very quaint old farm with some old silos to shoot at. The property owner was at first very apprehensive about me shooting there, because as it turns out, she thought that I worked for the city, who is trying to get her to tear down her silos.
Well, what should have been a conspiracy theory induced conversational red flag, deterred me not! I met with the property handler the day of the shoot to go over all the details, especially regarding safety. She seemed a smidge odd. But I tend to overlook that, as I am odd too.
The shoot was going well, and we were on outfit two. Suddenly things took a turn for the crazy. The property handler, who insisted to me that there were no free range animals, had walked away from all the free range animals to get a dog out of the horse area. It was then that all the free range bulls began to chase us all. And Jessica's husband Eric, really thought standing still and staying calm would deter them, except Jessica, myself and my assistant all were freaking out and yelling from behind the fence that we had never moved so fast to get behind.
I am certain I am having a panic attack, Jessica is certain I killed her husband via bull. He finally waits until the very last possible moment to not die to jump behind the fence.
So, needless to say the session was rescheduled and here you can see a mix of images from both shoots.
All my clients now sign waivers.

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