Tuesday, May 10, 2011

And baby makes SIX!!!

Well, so, this is Melissa and Jonathon, they are super super super awesome folks. And they are very blessed with four great kids. I am not even kidding, they are super cool kids. When I met Melissa over a month ago to talk about their pictures and meet the kids, I left with a flower from one of them. And when I dropped off her package yesterday, I also left with a flower. Her kids are kind. I will say though, I have a collection of flowers and leaves in my car from gracious little children. What is really cool about these kids, they are all their own person, and they all have their own little personalities. And these kids sure have a boat load of energy! So, what better idea than give them custard from Ritas!! It was an idea thrown around when we were talking about the session and I thought it would be a great idea and a good reward for the kids. Helps alot that it is also a good way to get them to behave sometimes! Ha! But these kids were just great. Of the pinwheels and kites brought, I personally feel that the custard was the most photo friendly to the youngest Simmons! These kids were great and it was very easy to capture them and their candid moments. I find more and more than I get very attached to my clients and I look forward to future sessions so that I can see how everyone is doing and how the kids have grown and such. I will say I love Addie's new haircut and I am glad that Melissa is so friendly!! I am super excited to work for the Simmons again. I do adore all my clients and this is no exception!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for such an amazing session... we feel truly blessed to have been given the chance to meet such a beautiful person that will be capturing our memories .... you are such an awesome photographer ;) love the simmons gang
