Monday, May 2, 2011

Miller Mania

So, I think it is very obvious in my work, I don't work with alot of boys. Just being honest. So, when I was contacted by Jennifer, and I met with her and her three boys, I will admit, I left scared to death. But, never show your clients children your fear. Me and Jennifer sat and talked about her session while her kids played on the playground at the park we met at. I literally looked to my left and her child, was standing on top of one of the playground play thingys.
Never show them fear.

Their session was at Memorial Park, and to be honest, it was hardly worth fearing!! She has such a lovely family, and she is the only girl in it. Yep. Her children are very well behaved and trained to cameras! My favorite. We had some laughs and got some great images! Including the one above. This just expresses, to me, the need for boys to be boys and children to be children, and that is what my work is all about.

Her boys got to the park and were immediately in the trees climbing around. And if that's how the are, that's how they should be. Working for them was a wonderful experience and surely do adore them.
I thought that this is one of the pictures that best describes the Millers, they are fun, a little chaotic at times, but they are fun. You can tell they all have a great love and respect for each other. I did find through out conversations with Jennifer and at their session, she is clearly their calm in the storm and the one in the family you go to when you need to. A very good mother. As shown below.
'Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family'

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