Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Whatcha all doin down there?? Huh??

Blog readers and followers this is Tammy, Tammy these are my blog readers and followers. You may know some of them. So let me tell you about Tammy. Let me tell ya bout my best friend. Me and Tammy met when we were both students at FCCJ, in Professor Crews Physical Science class. We became friends very fast and we studied together, as Tammy no like science. Well, we ended up graduating together and having a super fun graduation party, most of which I don't recall ever happening.....
Fast forward to present, me and this girl have both been to hell and back, moving from place to place, losing boyfriends, illnesses, tragedy etc. We are the Romeo and Juliet of friendship. If me and her were to stand in a crowd of thousands, one of us would be the only one in the crowd to get pooped on by a bird.
Through all of this, we have each other to call the other one gay for crying. I have trying to trick, persuade and beg her to get in front of the lens for years. And I finally did!'s all mine!!!
We shot her session at four different places and I was so excited and the irony is that both of our favorite places, was outside her front door.
She is a lady whom I adore, that helps me when I need it, will file my paperwork if I whine about it long enough, and will always answer my text, because I wont call.
I am so very happy that she finally posed for me and had her a session! She has come a very long way and I just could not be happier for her. Finding your path in your own life is sometimes the very hardest thing to do ever, and this girls owns her path, and if cross, you will be trespassing.
It was nice of yall to finally meet.
And if you like to see more of the images from Tammys long over do session, check out the Unobstructed Studios Facebook Fan Page, and view her gallery.
I am sure she'd love for you to stop by....even with out calling first, I do it all the time.

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