Tuesday, May 10, 2011

There was no lady with a camera at the park

So, this is Kelly and her Dad, and I had the pleasure of meeting Kelly for probably the most clandestine session I may have ever scheduled. Now, I have shot some secret sessions, boudoirs, birthdays etc. so when Kelly first contacted me about doing something for Mother's Day for her Mom, and also sisters I knew that we would work together very well. Until all the 'maybes.'
We originally planned to shoot at the cummer, until the day of the session, when we realized that the cummer was closed on Mondays. So we replanned and found a new location! Then it threatened to rain, more importantly lightening. I had to send that dreaded message about how I do not chance anything when it starts lightening. But, the stars and the clouds aligned for this sweet girl. And there was no other problems!
Somehow, between Kelly and her Dad, they managed to get 4 kids in one place at one time, with out anyone knowing that something was up! There were outfit changes and those everyone quiet moments when phones rang. It was on Mothers Day that Kelly mentioned to me that none of the kids told! All of them listen to their Aunt Tater :) who had to put one back in a uniform and remind them that at the park, there was no lady with a camera there!
I cannot tell you how much I adore this girl! She went through so much to make this happen for the people that she loves and seeing her and her Father interact with these kids, you can truly tell that they have a great family. All the kids were so good! They listened and they respected each other and even the adults. I could not have been happier with the results, this was my best session shot to date.
Being a secret mission poor Kelly had to wait for her online gallery to go up to see her images, so me as impatient as I dont even know. I kept emailing her my favorites. So, once the gallery goes up and every things order and ready to be delivered. I am out of town. Go figure! So, I had to call on my Mom, to drop off this ever so important package to this super sweet girl! Now, I love my mom to pieces, but she hates to drive! And that's all I could think of when I left to work in Orlando for three days. My mom was either going to get lost driving to Kellys or something was going to happen. After all the planning and secrets, it was all up to my Mom!! Thankfully, everything went off with out a problem and now my Mom also adores Kelly! Such a sweet girl, she really must think very highly of her family to go through such lengths to pull of such a gift for them. It was a true pleasure to work for her. And I just had the best time at their session!
I will leave you all with my personal favorite from their session, and one of the very first shots that was taken at their session. Young Zayne, who shares his name with my dad!

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